Monday, October 11, 2010

The Two Towers

The Lord of the Rings-The Two Towers By: J.R.R. Tolkien

I actually find it a little funny that I am reading this series right now. When I first started to read it I got close to the end of this book before I had to stop because I was leaving to live in the Philippines for close to 2 years. When I got back I jumped into school but wanted to finish the series. Of course I couldn't remember where I was so I started over and would listen to them as I drove to and from school and work. Well it's now 5 years later and I picked up this series again right as I once again started back into school, and listen to them as i drive to and from school and work. :p
I love this series and the story that Tolkien has created. He truly set the standard for fantasy writing and I can relate almost all the fantasy books I read back to Tolkien. He really brings the characters to life and paints a very vivid world that is so fun to escape to. This book continues the fellowship as they part ways and go different routes but still with the same purpose. You get to meet new characters that are easy to fully accept into the story and you get to meet the old character Gollum from The Hobbit and even get to learn more about him and why he is the way he is. The series should really be read at least once in your lifetime. book reader or not I think this is a wonderful story that everyone should know.

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