Friday, November 12, 2010

Leven Thumps

Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo By: Obert Skye

So this is one of the books that I have seen everywhere, knew of people who have read it but heard little about it. So while I was at the Library picking up the last of the Traveling pants series I saw it again and I figured I was going to need another book to after I finish this other series so why not. In all reality though I thought I was going to have to give it back to the library before I even had a chance to listen to it. That wasnt the case. I had a little over a week till it was due back and I figured it was only 8 discs long and if I didnt like it I could take it back and not be heartbroken about it. So I went into this book not knowing anything about it and what to expect. Sometimes I think that's the best way to go into a book...sometimes. I really enjoyed this book. It is a fanstay but it has an unusual concept that I havent come across yet.

“Two teens, a small, furry "sycophant," and a talking toothpick try to prevent evil forces from destroying two worlds in this lighthearted fantasy. "Foo" is the world from which all dreams come, and the villainous Sabine wants to find the gateway from there into our world. This would destroy both worlds, so the reluctant title hero and his magical companions try to prevent it. The complicated plot unwinds through a playful narrative that tries, often unsuccessfully, to mix humor and suspense. There are some funny moments, but many attempts at comedy seem forced or distracting. An urgent race to Germany includes some clever plot twists, as when Leven's friend Winter uses her ice-creating power to turn an ocean into a road, but their quest never becomes truly exciting. When it turns out that the ominous "Shadows" under Sabine's command can be dismissed by a simple hand clap, it's mildly amusing, but detracts from the sense of true danger that makes an involving adventure. Leven's self-doubts and changes of heart are almost tedious, and there's little chemistry between him and Winter. Adult characters are mean, dull, and unattractive, which results in some Dahl-like humor, but soon gets repetitive. Despite some solid humor and an occasionally intriguing plot, there's not enough cohesion or consistency here to make this a rewarding fantasy.–Steven Engelfried, Beaverton City Library, OR”

For any who enjoy a good fantasy book I would highly recommend this book. I found the beginning to drag just a tad so give it awhile before you give up on it.

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