Saturday, September 23, 2023

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea By: Jules Verne

This is a classic that has been on my "to read" list for many years. My husband read this book and loved it and has been wanting me to read it for about 3 years now so that we can talk about it together. I finally decided now was the time and to not put it off any longer. :) Growing up hearing variances of the story and seeing snippets of various tv and movie adaptations I had an idea of what I could have possible be getting into. I was completely wrong. This book was nothing what I was expecting. Instead of an epic underwater sea monster and alien world battle. It was more of an academics point of view of the wonders of what lies under the sea. In a futuristic underwater vessel captained by a very complex and carnally driven man. I am very glad that I have finally checked it off of my classic list and can now add it to my shelf of books that I have read. But unlike classics such as The Scarlet Pimpernel, or Frankenstein. This is a classic book that I will probably not revisit. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Picasso and the Painting that shocked the World

Picasso and the Painting that shocked the World By: Miles J Unger\

I enjoyed learning more about Picasso and his life. This book was very interesting and insightful into his life as well as his creative inspiration. I think I would like to revisit this book in paper form however. That way I can do research into the paintings that are talked about as well as the other artists.